Friday, May 6, 2011

The inspiration behind the choice to pursue life... A Declaration!

Below you will find a declaration that I wrote that shows why I have chosen to stand up and fight in this battle once again! I have a long way to go, but I will choose to fight because I have been bought with a price and purposed for life!

Declaration for Daily Living...

By: Kim Hembry

Copyright 2011©

I choose today to walk in victory... I will not let the mirror define me, but I shall speak to my reflection, edifying myself by the truth of God’s Word... I shall love what I see, and I shall take care of the woman who stands before me... I will not surrender myself into the hands of ED... I will surrender my life, my mind, and my will into the hands of my heavenly Father, who will equip me for battle, who will secure victory for me... I will not use ED as a means of control, but I will let God be in control of today! I will not measure my beauty by size or by number; I declare that I am BEAUTIFUL - fearfully and wonderfully made by the Master artist... I will not look to media to define myself; I will look to my Father, who defines me as a ‘chosen and beloved daughter.’ I will not give power to the lies that try to invade my mind... I will set a guard over my mind by the power of the Holy Spirit... I will set up a standard of TRUTH in my mind... Lies shall be quenched by the Light of TRUTH... I will not permit myself to walk in a manner of comparison which is a trap and a trigger that only feeds ED; I will accept myself as an individually hand-crafted work of art... I will praise my Creator and allow His glory to shine through me... I will not allow my joy to be quenched or stolen; I will impart life to myself by speaking God’s Word over myself... I will not allow the words of others to determine my actions... I shall live in accordance with one voice - and one voice alone - the voice of my Abba... I will choose to extend love to myself, and I will not condemn myself... I will extend grace and mercy to myself, encouraging myself to continue pressing on... I will value even the smallest of steps taken forward, and I will not expect perfection from myself... I shall remain in the hands of my Abba, where I shall find comfort!

For I am assured and I know that God is a partner in my labor, that all things work together and will fit together into a plan for good for me because I love God, and I have been called according to His design and purpose. He fore-knew me, and therefore, He has destined from the beginning that I would be molded into the image of His Son and share in His likeness. He has foreordained me; He has called me; He has justified me by making me righteous and putting me in right standing with Himself. As I have been justified, He has also glorified me by raising me to a heavenly dignity! He approved me before anybody else ever got the chance to disapprove me! He accepts me just as I am! What then shall I say to all of this? If God is for me, who can be against me? Who can be my foe if God is on my side? He didn’t even spare His own Son when He chose me, but rather gave Him up for me! Therefore, He will freely and graciously give me all other things! No one shall bring any charge against me as God’s elect because it is God alone who justifies me and puts me in right relationship with Himself. God has chosen me! No other can condemn or accuse me. For Christ Jesus, the One who died and was raised again, sits at the right hand of God pleading and interceding for me. Nothing shall ever separate me from Christ’s love! No suffering or affliction or tribulation; no calamity or distress; no persecution or hunger or destitution or peril or sword! Though I am put to death all day long and regarded as a sheep for the slaughter, I am more than a conqueror, and I gain surpassing victory through Him Who loves me! For I am persuaded beyond doubt, and I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending or threatening, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus my Lord!

I declare that I have been called for a purpose greater than I can comprehend at this present time. I will therefore run with endurance for the incorruptible crown. I will scale walls and overcome any obstacle that stands in my way by the power of the Holy Spirit within me! I shall live as a victorious daughter of the King!

As I wage warfare in the Spirit, the enemy flees from me, and his fiery darts are thwarted. For I am sealed and shielded by the blood of the Lamb. Nothing that comes against me is stronger than He who is in me! My Abba continually secures victory for me as I yield to His strength.

For I shall be transfigured from one degree of glory to the next, not that I should be glorified, but so that the One at work in me can be raised to even greater glory!

I shall walk and not become faint, and I shall run and not grow weary because I wait expectantly on the Lord! I trust that He has a perfect time for every matter and purpose under heaven; therefore, I will follow Him!

He has promised me peace that passes all understanding. Therefore, I declare that peace shall rule and reign in my mind, in my heart, and in my life! I will not be anxious or worried about anything, but by prayer and petition, I will make my requests known to God in confident assurance that He hears me and inclines His ear to me!

I declare that the joy of the Lord is my strength! I declare that I am strengthened as I spend time in the presence of the Lord where I experience fullness of joy. I declare that my joy shall not be quenched but will be ever-increasing within me! As a fount of living water, it shall not run dry!

For I shall not fear because God is with me! I will not look around in terror or be dismayed by what I see because He is my God who strengthens me and helps me. He holds me up and sustains me with His victoriously righteous right hand! I shall not fear because He has called me by name. He calls me, “His delight!” He has redeemed me! He says that when I pass through the waters, He will be with me. When waves come crashing down and I pass through the rivers, I will not drown. When I pass through the fire, I will not be burned. Rather, I will be refined and purified to better reflect the character of my God!

I declare that God is my strength and my portion forever! He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Therefore I stand in unwavering faith to trust Him! I will go where He calls me to go, and I will stay where He calls me to stay. For He has called me to be His vessel of love and peace that ministers healing to hearts once broken, and I have said, “Yes,” to the call! He says that He will carry me to dry and barren lands and will bring forth life where there is death. He has anointed me and appointed me for such a time as this! He has anointed me and qualified me to preach the Gospel of good news. He has anointed me to publish peace - to publish salvation - by speaking His truth in love. He has called me to bind up the broken-hearted, to set the captive free, to open the prison doors for those who are bound. He has anointed me to proclaim the year of the Lord and declare His favor. He has called me to minister healing to the sick, deliverance to the captive, freedom to the prisoner, joy to the oppressed, and beauty to the one covered in ashes!

Therefore I will go forth with relentless faith and incomparable love each day! I will not settle for anything less than God’s best today! I will embrace each one God places in my path to embrace! I will touch each person He calls me to touch! I will see as He sees and love as He loves! I am His daughter, and I choose to reflect my Father!

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