Tuesday, May 24, 2011

HOPE for today...

The journey continues as this day starts. I don't really want to start my rounds of intake for today, but I know my body needs the nutrients, so it can be restored and start to function normally... Therefore, I will speak forth TRUTH and will choose to start today's process. I won't focus on the whole day, just the first step! For God shall build me up from the inside out as I spend time in His presence. He shall build me up with supernatural strength, and endurance shall be my garment as I press on in this journey -

What I just read is beautiful! It's beautifully expressed TRUTH and a hope-filled reminder of where my gaze should be set...

"Bring Me your mind for rest and renewal. Let Me infuse My Presence into your thoughts. As your mind stops racing, your body relaxes and you regain awareness of Me. This awareness is vital to your spiritual well-being; it is your lifeline, spiritually speaking. There are actually more than four dimensions in this world where you live. In addition to the three dimension of space and the one of time, there is the dimension of openness to My Presence. This dimension transcends the others, giving you glimpses of heaven while you still reside on earth. This was part of my original design for mankind. Adam and Eve used to walk with Me in the garden, before their expulsion from Eden. I want you to walk with Me in the garden of Your heart, where I have taken up permanent residence."

What a beautiful echo of the desire of my (our) Abba to walk intimately with His children. I believe that one of the (if not THE) most important thing(s) or aspect(s) of my journey to RECOVERY and FREEDOM this time around is my time in the presence of the Lord - intimate time with Him... In Acts 2:28, there is a promise that we shall be filled with joy - that we shall experience fullness of joy - in His presence. In Nehemiah 8:10, we are told that the joy of the Lord is our STRENGTH! Therefore, as I spend time in God's presence, I am being filled with JOY that doubles as STRENGTH for the journey - a supernatural strength that only comes from God... It is this strength that builds up on the inside of me that propels me to press on when I am physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically exhausted. It is HIM in me (Christ in me) that is my HOPE of glory at each step of this process! Keeping our gaze fixed upon Him - or at least trying to - when so many other voices compete for our attention, is also a way we can walk with Him in His presence throughout the day. For me, I believe time in His presence is one aspect that can't be left our on this journey. There are many dimensions of RECOVERY, and all of them are important. THey all come together in the end to bring us to a place of LIFE - truly living! I am clinging to the HOPE of LIVING in LIFE ABUNDANT and not just existing or surviving. The road is long, and I am just starting... There are bumps, turns, and sometimes detours, but there is a destination of FREEDOM!


"Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are the people who know the joyful sound...; they walk, O Lord, in the light and favor of your countenance!"
Psalm 89:15

It is vital that I walk with Him in the garden of my heart as I start today's process!

(Written later)

Today has been a pretty good day overall... I painted for a while instead of doing what I wanted to (and shouldn't do): go for a walk or light jog... I was so tempted to go, but I knew deep down that I wasn't allowed to, and that to go would open up a door to rebellion...

I still have a round and a half to get in me before bed. In HIS STRENGTH, I will prevail and finish today STRONG and in VICTORY!

I feel so full and very FAT today, especially this evening. Also, my stomach has been in much pain at different times over the past few days... The TRUTH of why is it okay for me to give myself nutrients must prevail! ONE STEP AT A TIME ~ ONE MOMENT AT A TIME!

"God, I want to finish today well, but I am struggling to face this last round and a half of intake. I admit my weakness and reach out to You! You are the STRENGTH that I so desperately need to persevere tonight. Please take away the stomach pain I currently have, so I can make strides to finish all of my intake today. Forgive me for trying to make it on my own... With You ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!"

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