Thursday, May 26, 2011

Poem I wrote today to renew my perspective...

Recovery is...
By: Kim Hembry ©
May 26, 2011

Recovery is a choice to recognize
The lies that have prescribed one’s life.
It is a decision to silence them
To omit their power
It is a decision to replace them
With a Truth-
So much higher...

Recovery is a chance to walk in the light
To leave the all-encompassing darkness behind.
It is a chance to see
A chance to think
A chance to be-
Without ED’s voice beckoning...

Recovery is not the same for you as for me
Not one fashioned path for everybody.
It is unique in design
It has twists, turns-
It winds.

It is worth walking...

Recovery is offered to all
But not all hear the call.
Some fade away
Some choose to stay
I will choose LIFE today...

Recovery is an opportunity to live
To learn how to trust and forgive.
To trust in yourself
To trust in others
But above all-
In God, the one who LOVES and who Is!

Recovery opens up a tank of emotions
Sometimes a lot of commotion.
Tears pour out
There’s fear and there’s doubt
Healing is what it’s about.

Along with emotions of pain
Come feelings of joy and of praise.
Laughter is expressed
Smiles are shared
You’ll press on-
Even when you’re scared.

Recovery restores the freedom of choice
It gives back your voice.
You learn to hear
And to be heard
You’ll soon see-
ED doesn’t get the final word.

Recovery is not easy or pain free
It is a season of persevering.
In the midst of hurt
Of unknowns, of weakness
You’ll learn what it means-

Recovery is not faced alone
My biggest supporter is God up above.
I’m amazed that He saved me
That He sustains me
That He
Each day-
Is choosing to free me!

He reached down to lend His hand
Even after I had turned away and ran.
He pours out His love
He covers me with peace
He reminds me-
That there is VICTORY!

He reveals the lies that compete in my mind
He speaks TRUTH with a voice soft and kind.
He inspires with HOPE
He beckons in LOVE
In Him-
I’m learning to LIVE!

Recovery is letting Him in
Receiving forgiveness for sin.
It’s accepting a gift
When you feel worthless
It’s exchanging guilt-
For a love that’s PRICELESS.

Recovery is my choice
To rediscover my voice.
To learn what I like
To learn who I am
To truly see-
My purpose, His plan.

He opens my eyes
And frees me from disguise.
Masks fade away
Facades crack and fall
So who I am can be discovered-
Once and for all!

Recovery looks different each day
With triumphs and failures along the way.
It is the decision to press on
In the face of despair
To choose to value and to take care of
A precious life-
That He has spared.

There are many steps to be taken
Many strides to make.
I will say, “Yes”
I will speak Truth
And silence the lies.

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