Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Refocus on TRUTH to get started...

TRUTH will prepare me for today and will propel me to press on even though there is so much resistance built up in me this morning. Oftentimes it is the first round of intake each day that is the hardest, but it is also the most important one for me because once I start, it sets me up for making the decision to choose LIFE at the other times when I need to throughout the day... This morning (like many others) there is something so heavy trying to keep me from choosing LIFE at this first step, but I will cling to my Abba and His Word, knowing that in Him, my weakness is exchanged for supernaturally perfected STRENGTH!

Isaiah 41:10 reminds me that He has me and is fighting for me. "Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I WILL STRENGTHEN and harden you to difficulties, yes, I WILL HELP you; yes, I WILL HOLD you up and retain you with My [VICTORIOUS] right hand of rightness and justice." What a PROMISE! He WILL STRENGTHEN ME! He WILL RETAIN ME! He WILL QUIET MY FEARS as He HOLDS me in His VICTORIOUS right hand!

This next verse (Zephaniah 3:17) is one of my favorites, and it is full of amazing PROMISES to bring forth HOPE and ENCOURAGEMENT for this journey! "Lord, help me to remember Your TRUTH and to look to You in FAITH as I walk on this path to HEALING and RECOVERY each day!" "The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a MIGHTY ONE, a SAVIOR [Who saves]! He WILL REJOICE over you with JOY; He will rest [in silent satisfaction] and in HIS LOVE, He will be silent and make no mention [of past sins, or even recall them]; He WILL EXULT OVER YOU WITH SINGING."
Wow! This verse always amazes me... It reminds me of God's RELENTLESS LOVE that pursues me along with the rest of His children. It baffles me to think that He will exult over me with singing because the view I have of myself does not merit such a response, but nevertheless, He must see something much different than I do... He promises to SAVE ME! He is in my midst - WITH ME! That is where my HOPE is derived from that enables me to choose LIFE and to press on in the face of struggle and strain!

One more beautiful promise to be delivered that I need to be reminded of s found in Psalm 34:19, "Many evils confront the [consistently] righteous, but the Lord DELIVERS him out of them ALL."!!!!! Wow! He WILL DELIVER me out of ALL evil! I'll start with letting Him deliver me out of the snare of death, so I can face round one today... I will then trust Him to do the same as the day continues.

I will press on in this journey - along this path that is being laid out before me. I will press on in confident assurance that I don't walk alone but that I am accompanied by One who promises to SAVE ME! When I see impossibilities before me, I will shift my focus to Him for Whom NOTHING is impossible, and I will be built up on His STRENGTH to go forward in battle and to walk out VICTORIOUSLY! When fear comes to paralyze me, I will claim peace as I spend time in the presence of the Lord, and the fear will fall away as I am enraptured in His perfect love. I will not look around in terror nor be overwhelmed by this process because I will take it in stride...




Now it's time to choose LIFE for the first time today... Here goes...

Many more opportunities will await me to do the same as the day progresses...


(Written later)

The day has been going alright. I am way off schedule in regards to my intake because my body has not been cooperating very well the past few days, but I will continue pressing on in hopes to finish the day well!

Until tomorrow!

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