Sunday, May 8, 2011

The journey continues... Part 2

Well, I got everything in me again today.. Only a few diet pills and a tiny bit of exercise (I still can't let go of this one entirely). I was crushed when I couldn't go play volleyball tonight, so I went to a friend's house and hung out with her family. They are such a blessing! It was a good diversion for me!

I must admit that I am already overwhelmed about tomorrow. I have a sinking feeling inside of me about all of the things that need to take place... I have to add a whole extra bottle of Boost Plus tomorrow and get off diet pills entirely, and I really need to yield to the "NO EXERCISE!" rule...

In some ways I feel like I am suffocating. This process is not easy! Many times throughout the day, I'm read to crumble - ready to throw the towel in and quit, but I know that isn't the answer!

I am scared of all of the steps that will be ahead of me. However, I am once again reminded that I must face each step as it comes!

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